Mission & Vision
Halal Pharma International is the world pioneering contract manufacturer in compliance with the international current Halal Pharma standard for pharmaceutical products and health supplements, including soft gels, hard shell capsules, tablets, powder and oral liquid as well as cosmetics.
Halal Pharma International strives to develop a worldwide healthy Halal trade and global healthy Halal business innovations for everyone irrespective of religion, race or nationality for the benefit of all humankind.
Our aspiration is to highlight Halal Pharma International as the Global Market Leader on Halal Pharmaceutical & Cosmetic innovations and development around the globe.
We have a Worldwide Halal network platform coverage with offices in Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Moscow, Rotterdam, Barcelona, Marrakech, Sao Paulo, Santiago the Chile, Cape Town, Dubai and upcoming in 2023 also in New York, Hong Kong, and Tokyo.
The statistics show that Muslims currently account for 23% of the world’s population. By 2030 this amount is expected to increase to 26.5%.
Muslims have become the leading consumers of the world market, and this demand of us to take a leading postion in Highly healthy product development without exploiting unnecessary the resources of our beautiful planet, while respecting the labour and global communities whom are working at Halal Pharma all over the world for all its Developments & Innovations, to bring Healthy & Natural – Fair-trade products to the world in benefit of all Humankind.

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